Fractional HR

Fractional HR provides a dedicated HR resource for a set number of hours each month over one year. Employers may choose the number of monthly hours they wish to purchase, and unused hours can be carried forward to the next month.  This option is efficient and cost-effective for businesses that require access to expert advise on an occasional or on an as needed basis. 

ASSOCIUM’s HR Consultant will work closely with your management team allowing for transfer of knowledge and ultimately improving your team’s confidence in HR practices. Purchase blocks of time using increments of five (5) hours, and use them when you need them. This program has been designed to provide organizations with the HR expertise they need, as they need it.

This cost effective approach makes it simple for an organization to receive a full complement of HR services within a fixed budget. A dedicated HR Manager will commit to understanding the ongoing needs of your business and provide your organization with the highest level of service.

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